
After the Frost

After the Frost

Courtesy of Emily Morton, Deli/126, Burlington, VT


  • 1 1/2 oz. Singani 63
  • ½ oz. Amaro Nonino
  • ½ oz. fresh lemon juice
  • 1 bar spoon honey or to taste (preferred raw honey)
  • 3 drops lemongrass bitters
  • 8 oz. chamomile tea


  • Preheat a teacup with hot water and simultaneously brew chamomile tea in a separate vessel. After four minutes, empty the hot water from the teacup, and add the remaining ingredients to the warmed cup. Top with tea, stir together all ingredients, and garnish with a fresh fennel frond.
Ride & Ridden 1
Old Soul 2024